Response to LGOIMA request 2024-118 10 July 2024

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Response to LGOIMA request 2024-118 10 July 2024 preview
  • Published Date Fri 04 Oct 2024
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Requested Information:

“I’ve seen a bit of press lately on the Riverlink project, which I think you said Wellington
ratepayers were contributing equally with Lower Hutt ratepayers.
Can you please tell me:
- how much Wellington city ratepayers have contributed (in dollar and percent terms) to the
design and planning stages this far and
- on current or projected estimates, how much Wellington city ratepayers will be contributing
in dollar and percent (of total spend) terms please?
Separately, can you please also tell me what reporting do you get from the recipients of the
circa $5-6 million p.a. that the GWRC gives to local iwi.

- How much is allocated to mana whenua partners each year either as a payment for
their activities or as payments to be involved in GW activities?
- What is the money used for that is paid to mana whenua partners?
- What reporting or accountability is there to ensure the funds are used right and
producing the outcomes required?
- Why was the funding committed in the first place?"
- Why was the funding committed in the first place? Are there reports that demonstrate
the decision to commit the funding?

Updated 4 October 2024 at 09:55