Response to LGOIMA request 2024-021 14 March 2024
Search in document libraryRequest for information:
"Any and all internal correspondence held by the Greater Wellington Regional Council including reports, briefings, emails, text messages, whatsapp messages or messages exchanged on any other electronic messaging platform regarding southbound delays on commuter rail services the Kapiti Line between 6:00AM and 9:00AM on 20 February 2024.
Please directly answer the following questions:
- What was the extent of delays on the Kapiti Line running southbound between 6:00AM and 9:00AM on 20 February 2024?
- Why did an empty train run non-stop southbound through Porirua between 7:50AM and 8:10AM on 20 February 2024?
- Was there any public notification made regarding the extent of delays on the Kapiti Line running southbound between 6:00AM and 9:00AM on 20 February 2024, if so what was the notification, and did it accurately reflect the extent of the delays?
- What was the cause of delays on the Kapiti Line running southbound between 6:00AM and 9:00AM on 20 February 2024?
Please provide no explanatory notes, contextual statements on "comms lines"."
For a copy of the attachment relating to this request please email