The Annual Air Quality Monitoring Report 2004 presents
the results of ambient air quality monitoring that has been
carried out in the Wellington Region during the year ending
30 September…
This report covers the main achievements and challenges
for Greater Wellington Regional Council's bulk water
supply activity (Greater Wellington Water), arising during
the 2003/04 financial year.
This publication provides information on protection,
management and restoration of native ecosystems - why
it is needed, how it can be done and where a property
owner can obtain further…
This publication provides information on protection,
management and restoration of native ecosystems - why
it is needed, how it can be done and where a property
owner can obtain further information.…
This report summarises the compliance ratings for resource
consents monitored by Greater Wellington Regional Council
from 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004.
Greater Wellington reports on its compliance monitoring…
The purpose of this Asset Management Plan is to ensure
that the necessary water supply assets are in place and
maintained to provide to customers the promised levels
of service…
Greater Wellington Regional Council's Annual Report for
the year ended 30 June 2004. This was the first year of
implementation of our Long Term Council Community Plan
2003 - 2013.
This report summarises Greater Wellington's pollution
control activities over the financial year 1 July 2003 to 30
June 2004. Greater Wellington staff responded to 1,109
environmental incidents…
An update on the process of the 2005 Queen Elizabeth Park
Management Plan.
The Land Transport Act (1998) requires every regional council
to establish a Regional Land Transport Committee (RLTC).
The current RLTS was approved in November 1999, fulfilling
legal obligations for the…