This report presents the results of soil quality sampling
undertaken on 23 drystock/pastoral sites in the Wellington
region during 2007/08 and compares the results with
those from…
This report summarises six targeted groundwater quality
studies conducted in the Wairarapa from 2004 to 2008.
These studies investigated the extent of nitrate-nitrogen
contamination in selected intensive farming areas in…
This technical report summarises the results of Greater Wellington
Regional Council's Riparian Management Pilot Programme,
covering the period 2002 - 2007. Monitoring has included regular
assessments of…
This document reports on bird counts that were conducted in
seven of the Wellington region's parks and reserves and a
further seven Upper Hutt sites. Surveys were conducted
This document is Greater Wellington's Resource
Management Charging Policy for 2008. It describes
the charges that are payable to Greater Wellington
for a range of resource management…
Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) commissioned Sinclair Knight Merz Ltd to update the Wellington Transport Strategic Model (WTSM) to a 2006 base year and to review, investigate and advise on…
Arup was appointed to peer review the Wellington Transport Strategy Model (WTSM) 2006 Update. We have undertaken a detailed review and sensitivity testing.
Our overall assessment is that the updated model…
This report presents the findings of broad scale mapping of
substrate (e.g., firm sand, soft sand, mud, gravel) and
vegetation (e.g., macroalgal beds, seagrass beds,
saltmarsh vegetation,…