This newsletter is to let you know that we have a new timetable for our Regional Policy Statement (RPS).
In June of this year Greater Wellington released the draft objectives, policies…
This report presents a briet overview of coastal lake
characteristics, the methods and results of a synoptic
survey of Lake Onoke, including a completed ecological
vulnerability assessment, and monitoring
This report covers the achievements and challenges for
Greater Wellington Regional Council's wholesale water supply
activity, Greater Wellington Water, for the period 1 July 2006
to 30 June 2007.
This report discusses the impacts (both the costs and the benefits)
of a range of animal and plant species considered for inclusion in
the Proposed Wellington Regional Pest Management Strategy…
2006/2007 Annual Monitoring Report on the Regional Land
Transport Strategy
There is no digital version of this document available, but you can get in touch with to get a copy of the document.
alarm Published 28 Sept 2007
This report presents an overview of the characteristics of major
coastal shoreline habitats, completed ecological vulnerability
assessments for coastal shoreline habitats in the Wellington
region from Otaki to Baring Head,…
This report summarises coastal monitoring that Greater
Wellington Regional Council's Environmental Monitoring
& Investigations Department has been involved with over
the period 1 July 2006 to 30…
This report summarises the results of groundwater level and
groundwater quality monitoring undertaken by the Greater
Wellington Regional Council over the period 1 July 2006 to 30
June 2007. Targeted…
This report provide an overview of the hydrological trends
and events over the period 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 as
determined by Greater Wellington Regional Council…